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Installera solceller!
Det går utmärkt att ha solceller i Sverige, solen skiner mycket under sommarhalvåret, solceller fungerar bättre när det är kallt och överskottsenergin kan lagras i det stora batteriet: Sveriges elnät. Nån annan får använda din el när inte du behöver den. Staten ger dig också bra subventioner både för installationer och drift. I stockholmstrakten får man ut knappt 1 kW/kvadratmeter installerad solcell.
För att installera solceller behöver man veta var det är bäst att sätta dem, vilken produkt man skall använda, hur bidragsansökningar går till, om du behöver bygglov och hur du bäst skall nyttja din nyvunna el. Detta kan verka snårigt och det finns en hel del fel man kan begå. Som civilingenjör elektronik och några påbyggnadskurser inom solcellsteknik och mångårig erfarenhet av projektledning, kan jag hjälpa dig i djungeln av regler, bidragsansökningar, produkt-, leverantörs- och installationsval. Jag är examinerad för Solcellsinstallationer och har gått kurser på Lunds universitet och Danmarks tekniska högskola i hållbar energi och solceller.

Vill du veta mer om solceller?
Jag går en WEB kurs på Lunds univeritet och som ett litet arbete i denna har jag valt att följa Solelstaden Västberga. Nedan är alstret.
Title: Photovoltaic installations in “Town of Sun Electricity: Västberga”
Summary: An initiative from a Sun photvoltaic company Solkompaniet to make their own neighbourhood the most Sun power intensive in the Stockholm region by engaging the industries to install sun power on their roofs.
Problem: Stockholm city has set a goal to be fossil free in 2040. One way is to increase the part of the electricity production made by solar photovoltaic panels. This is both environmentally friendly and transport efficient compared to the major sources today that is hydroelectricity and nuclear energy (40 + 40 %). It is also expected that much more electricity will be needed in the future for example to feed an increasing fleet of electrical cars. Today only 0.1 % of the total electricity consumption is provided by solar photovoltaic power in Sweden.
The area of Västberga is a rather dull and unattractive area with a lot of industries. Daily priorities for companies are not to save the world. The process to invest in solar photovoltaic power has both technical and administrative hurdles as well as making the business case sound.
Present and analyse: Therefor initiative is needed both from the authorities and experts in the area to facilitate the process and make the investments attractive to meet the local and global goals.
Solkompaniet, one of the country’s leading experts on solar photovoltaic power, is situated in the area. They have realized that the economy of scale is the best way to make solar PV technique economically sound and attractive for investors. The most benefit is then to look for large roofs on industries that consume energy daytime. Then help the companies with the argumentation for the business case, prioritization, permits, and application for economical subsidize.
The city is also involved in the project, facilitating the project e.g. leading a challenge for more areas in Stockholm to participate in the rollout of fossil free alternatives. There is also a federal project to identify and solve hinders for a faster rollout of sun photovoltaic power.
Suggestion: The project arrange meetings and involve stake holders, both authorities and the companies with the largest potential. A few companies have already installed PV-technique on their roofs and applications will be sent in from others. The area is located close to the highway into Stockholm and the visible installations will prove for a greener image for the area as well as savings in energy costs for the companies. Media has already highlighted the project.
The companies get a greener profile, the city is closer to the environmental goals, the staff is motivated by higher values and value of the properties is rising as this is an investment for at least 40 years. This is a win win situation where the economy goes hand in hand with the environment.
Share and illustrate: A pin for the project is placed on the course map. The project has a Homepage and is present on Facebook.
Resources: The main source for the information was collected from
– An official meeting with the stakeholders of “Solelstaden Västeberga” in City hall of Stockholm
– Solcellspodden is listened to
– The Solar power park in Katrineholm was visited
– Bengts nya villablogg read
WWF (2012) Reinventing the City: Three Prerequisites for Greening Urban Infrastructures
Lidbrink och Carneheim AB /
Vill du leva mer hållbart?
Installera solceller!
Det går utmärkt att ha solceller i Sverige, solen skiner mycket under sommarhalvåret, solceller fungerar bättre när det är kallt och överskottsenergin kan lagras i det stora batteriet: Sveriges elnät. Nån annan får använda din el när inte du behöver den. Staten ger dig också bra subventioner både för installationer och drift. I stockholmstrakten får man ut knappt 1 kW/kvadratmeter installerad solcell.
För att installera solceller behöver man veta var det är bäst att sätta dem, vilken produkt man skall använda, hur bidragsansökningar går till, om du behöver bygglov och hur du bäst skall nyttja din nyvunna el. Detta kan verka snårigt och det finns en hel del fel man kan begå. Som civilingenjör elektronik och några påbyggnadskurser inom solcellsteknik och mångårig erfarenhet av projektledning, kan jag hjälpa dig i djungeln av regler, bidragsansökningar, produkt-, leverantörs- och installationsval. Jag är examinerad för Solcellsinstallationer och har gått kurser på Lunds universitet och Danmarks tekniska högskola i hållbar energi och solceller.

Vill du veta mer om solceller?
Jag går en WEB kurs på Lunds univeritet och som ett litet arbete i denna har jag valt att följa Solelstaden Västberga. Nedan är alstret.
Title: Photovoltaic installations in “Town of Sun Electricity: Västberga”
Summary: An initiative from a Sun photvoltaic company Solkompaniet to make their own neighbourhood the most Sun power intensive in the Stockholm region by engaging the industries to install sun power on their roofs.
Problem: Stockholm city has set a goal to be fossil free in 2040. One way is to increase the part of the electricity production made by solar photovoltaic panels. This is both environmentally friendly and transport efficient compared to the major sources today that is hydroelectricity and nuclear energy (40 + 40 %). It is also expected that much more electricity will be needed in the future for example to feed an increasing fleet of electrical cars. Today only 0.1 % of the total electricity consumption is provided by solar photovoltaic power in Sweden.
The area of Västberga is a rather dull and unattractive area with a lot of industries. Daily priorities for companies are not to save the world. The process to invest in solar photovoltaic power has both technical and administrative hurdles as well as making the business case sound.
Present and analyse: Therefor initiative is needed both from the authorities and experts in the area to facilitate the process and make the investments attractive to meet the local and global goals.
Solkompaniet, one of the country’s leading experts on solar photovoltaic power, is situated in the area. They have realized that the economy of scale is the best way to make solar PV technique economically sound and attractive for investors. The most benefit is then to look for large roofs on industries that consume energy daytime. Then help the companies with the argumentation for the business case, prioritization, permits, and application for economical subsidize.
The city is also involved in the project, facilitating the project e.g. leading a challenge for more areas in Stockholm to participate in the rollout of fossil free alternatives. There is also a federal project to identify and solve hinders for a faster rollout of sun photovoltaic power.
Suggestion: The project arrange meetings and involve stake holders, both authorities and the companies with the largest potential. A few companies have already installed PV-technique on their roofs and applications will be sent in from others. The area is located close to the highway into Stockholm and the visible installations will prove for a greener image for the area as well as savings in energy costs for the companies. Media has already highlighted the project.
The companies get a greener profile, the city is closer to the environmental goals, the staff is motivated by higher values and value of the properties is rising as this is an investment for at least 40 years. This is a win win situation where the economy goes hand in hand with the environment.
Share and illustrate: A pin for the project is placed on the course map. The project has a Homepage and is present on Facebook.
Resources: The main source for the information was collected from
– An official meeting with the stakeholders of “Solelstaden Västeberga” in City hall of Stockholm
– Solcellspodden is listened to
– The Solar power park in Katrineholm was visited
– Bengts nya villablogg read
WWF (2012) Reinventing the City: Three Prerequisites for Greening Urban Infrastructures